Sunday, April 19, 2009


There is a drastic difference between talking and doing, and for the last nearly 21 years of my life I think I've been talking entirely too much. Since October I've made some rather large life changes yet I still don't feel I've committed myself completely to God in the way that I should. I've also learned over the last few months that you can never be truly happy with anyone else until you are happy with yourself. I think Jeffery Gitomer says it nicely "In order for you to be the BEST you can be for others, first you must be BEST for yourself." I've been a fool for love, I haven't always been the best daughter, sister, friend or employee that I could be. I'm guilty of not giving the word of God when I know it was needed. In return, I'm not listening to God as closely as I should. Now my relationship with God is not the only important relationship that has been struggling. My relationship with me has began to fail miserably. In todays society we see being fit and perfectly beautiful as the most important aspect of a person. I know I've struggled with this time and time again, done many things to fit that role. Some physically healthy, some not so much. Some mentally healthy but most absolutely not. For the past few months I've been "talking" about really getting into shape, not just to look good for me but to feel good. Being healthy makes you feel good on the inside, and out. It's important for a persons happiness to be in a healthy state of mind, and body. I also want my relationship with the Lord to be my top priority. I've let it slip and it's time I get it back. I'm ready to love me for who I am, not who and what I'm not. I'm ready to stop talking and start doing are you?

Starting Tuesday April 21st I'm going to start my 40 days challenge. Why 40 days you ask...
"The number 40 holds particular significance in the Bible and refers to a precise number, not just a long period of time. There are at least ten instances in the Old Testament and New Testament where 40 occurs, either in years or days, e.g. it rained for 40 days and 40 nights, Moses was on the mountain 40 days and 40 nights, the Israelites wandered 40 years, Jesus fasted in the wilderness for 40 days and was seen on the earth for 40 days after His crucifixion.

A 40-something time period, whether days, months, or years is ALWAYS a period of testing, trial, probation, or chastisement (but not judgment) and ends with a period of restoration, revival or renewal.

Thankfully, God is consistent, so the meaning of a number in Genesis remains the same all the way to the book of Revelation. Sometimes the spiritual significance is not revealed directly, but in the case of "40" and its many examples throughout the Bible, we can be certain of its importance and significance."

I think that sums up why I'd choose 40 days. Now for the stipulations and goals of this challenge. Please note that everything on this list is something I have talked about doing over the last few months but have managed to let myself put it aside.

  • At least 30 minutes of prayer and worship a day.
  • No sweets (Yes unfortunately this includes chocolate).
  • 5 days, 1 hour a day cardio .
  • 1 bike ride with worship music a week.
  • No more than 1100 calories a day.
  • No fast food (this doesn't include subway).
  • 1 Chapter a day of "The Purpose Driven Life".
  • Write at least one great song.
  • Be more focused at work.
  • Forgive fully the things that I've been holding on my heart.
  • Let go of the things I cannot change.
  • Plant the Lords seed in at least one persons heart a day.
  • Wake up early, be on time for everything!
  • No cussing...
  • Pick the playlist for my demo
  • Be happy with me
  • Be fulfilled in my relationship with God!
Join me if you'd like, tell me what you want to do over the next 40 days to build your relationship with God and yourself. I'll stand by you, motivate you in your journey. If you have any questions, suggestions, words of wisdom, motivation or comments please feel free to share! I look forward to hearing from you all soon...


Sincerely and Always with Love,
Britt Hosey

Where else can you find me?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Britt,
What an honest and real spirit you are, especially to share this pledge with all! I am so glad I met you! I am going to join you in a pledge for 40 days, but first, I want to share something with you . . .

One thing I am learning and have learned is that if we try to do too much, if we make our "to do" list too long, we are setting ourselves up for failure before we even begin. Only you and God know what is too much or just enough for you to do in 40 days, but I when I see your pledge I am not only inspired (completely) but also a little concerned that you are expecting too much from yourself. We are so blessed that God does not expect perfection from us and that He loves us perfectly in our imperfection. Your journey to come closer to God and to walk more faithfully with Him is yours and yours alone, so you know what is best for you! I support you in your journey and I will be your cheerleader, too! But, please, for me, consider narrowing your list a little? You are really taking on a lot of BIG challenges here! I do believe we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us, so the decision is yours my friend. I'm behind you no matter what.

Okay, my pledge, is kind of small, but big for me. As I am preparing to do a big and long (18-20 miles overnight)walk at the end of June and as a person who suffers from chronic pain due to Fibromyalgia, I need to incorporate exercise into my daily life desperately. I pledge to walk each day for at least 15-20 minutes, no less, and hopefully more and more with each day, for 40 days starting Tuesday the 21st, right along with you.

Like I said, I support you and I am behind you! You go girl! Keep us posted, I will keep you informed of my progress. Thank you for inspiring me.

God bless!
Amy (Abeeliever on twitter)